Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

Give it to me straight! In English. How's this work exactly?
All other major hotel websites make money by marking up the hotel price (taking margin) or geting a commission (between 7-20%). We don't add margin or take commission on any reservations. Much like Costco, we only charge an annual subscription so you get to keep all the savings for yourself!
How cheap are the hotels?
We've seen prices up to 90% off of typical sites like the ones that rhyme with Pexpedia and Miceline. Our first customer booked a 3 night stay for $157 cheaper than was advertised on That's more than 3x the time of the annual subscription in one reservation!

That said, members who booked with us saved an average of 25% off the "retail" price (the rate you can find publicly on sites like Expedia, Google Hotels, and
Why is Room Steals cheaper than Expedia,, or Google Hotels?
We're going to have to geek out on you a bit to answer this one.

There's a little thing in the hotel world called "rate parity", which is an industry agreement that unless there's a special reason (like a group contracts with the hotel directly and gets special rates in a special contract), all publicly advertised rates have to be the same.

"But they aren't always exactly the same," you say?

The only caveats to this are the contracted rates a broker might do usually for special events or groups. Those are limited, and are only found on that one event's website.

And then you ask... "So how are YOU so special?"

Well, remember "rate parity" agreements have to do with publicly advertised rates. This is why we can't let you see the exact hotel and their exact rates without being a member. Membership means you're in the club (and thus, private). Once you are in the club, we are allowed to offer you those super-discounted rates that aren't publicly available.

Voila. Now you're smarter. Thank us by signing up and seeing for yourself.
Do you offer special prices on other travel like airfare or cars?
Nope. We stick to hotels, where there's lots of profit margin we can give away to you. Airlines and cars don't have that same high margins that hotels have.
What countries do you have deals in?
Almost all of them. No really. Only a handful of locations in the world don't offer wholesale hotel rates.
What are "Staycations"?
A "staycation" is an American term for a vacation (sometimes just a weekend) close to home, typically in the same city you reside in. Our "Weekend Steals" email is designed around the idea of a "staycation" but can be used for any city, really.
What kind of deals will I get with your "Weekend Steals" emails?
Each week we will look at the city you specify for that coming weekend's hotel rates. We will only send an email to you if it matches this criteria:
  1. Covers the cost of our subscription
  2. Local to the city you specified
  3. 4 or 5 star hotels only
  4. 40% off or more
How does the Chrome extension work?
Install the extension. It'll happily sit in the background and do nothing until you're ready to book a hotel.

Go to a hotel search engine (,, Expedia, or Google Hotels), search for a hotel and include the dates. We'll ask you to login (FREE), and that's when the extension will go to work.

It uses the hotel data and dates on the page you're visiting to match the hotel and find wholesale rates for the same dates.

If we find one, the extension will let you know. If it beats the price you're looking at on the search engine, feel free to click on the "book now" button on the extension and you'll be directed to our site to find your room and make a reservation.

To book the reservation you'll need to be a paying member, so if you're not one yet, we recommend waiting until we show you a price that at least covers the cost of the subscription.

That said, once you're a member, you can book all the hotels you want with no commission and no margin added.